If you feel that you may have a foreign object in your eye that is causing pain, blurred vision, redness, discharge, light sensitivity or other symptoms you should schedule an eye health exam.
Our eye doctors at EyeTech Optometry, in Frisco Colorado, regularly remove foreign objects in the eyes. They can help you get the foreign object out and start the any appropriate treatments for damage the foreign body may have caused.
Metal, Dust, Saw Dust, etc.
Self removal is NOT recommended, especially if the object may be metallic, like metal shavings or rust, as you could damage the surface of your eye. If you feel you have gotten dust, saw dust or something similar it is recommended to shower and thoroughly rinse your eyes. If this does not relieve the symptoms you should call us at 970-262-9272 to have your eye evaluated and have the foreign body properly removed.
Contact Lens
If you feel that you have a contact lens stuck in your eye, the best way to tell if there is still a lens in your eye is to cover the opposite eye. If you can still see normally there may still be a lens in place. If your vision is blurred the lens likely fell out, or was removed without you realizing it. Do not try to repeatedly remove a lens if you are not certain it is there, this can lead to a corneal abrasion which is very painful. Please come to our office and we can quickly check to determine if there is still a lens in your eye.
Self Removal Not Recommended
If you are certain you got something in your eye and know what it is, it is still not recommended that you try self removal. It is always best to allow an eye doctor to remove the object and treat your eye accordingly to prevent secondary infection or scarring.
If you have something in your eye, schedule an eye health exam with Dr. Ward or Dr. Philpy to have your eye evaluated and have the foreign body properly removed.
Emergency Care
Dr. Ward and Dr Philpy regularly diagnose and treat eye injuries, infections, inflammations, burning, redness, pain, sensitivity, pink eye and remove foreign bodies from the eye.
Medical Care
Our doctors can treat, prescribe medication for and manage many different eye diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.
Diagnosis and Referral
For eye conditions like cataracts, retinal tears and retinal detachments that may require surgical or specialized care, our Optometrists provide initial diagnosis as well as referral, co-management and follow-up care in coordination with an Ophthalmologist.
Many eye problems like glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy don't have obvious symptoms in their early stages. Changes in vision are often so gradual that you unconsciously adjust to your sight without realizing your vision has changed. You may think you are seeing as well as you were a year ago and don’t have problems, but you can't be sure until you've had your eyes thoroughly examined.