Eye Spots

Some may be normal, while others are not!

Eye spots or floaters are typically small bits of protein suspended in the vitreous humor that fills the inside of the eye. Some floaters may be normal, while others are not. Almost all people have some degree of vitreous floaters, whether they see them or not. Floaters are easiest to see on a white background in bright light, like against the snow while skiing. Under other conditions our brain is able to filter out the image of the floater so they don't bother us all the time. Floaters will typically move around as you move your eye.

New Onset
If you have new onset floaters that you have not previously noticed you should call EyeTech Optometry, in Frisco Colorado, at 970-262-9272 and book a dilated eye health exam immediately. New onset floaters may be due to a serious retinal condition such as a hole, tear or Retinal Detachment. Retinal problems can often be fixed surgically, but are very time sensitive.

Missing Spot in Vision
If you have a missing spot in your vision that does not come and go or move around you should call to schedule a dilated eye health exam immediately as this indicates more serious eye problems that require immediate attention.

Our doctors at EyeTech Optometry can determine the cause of seeing eye spots and start the most appropriate treatment.


Seeing Eye Spots?  Let us diagnose the problem.
Call now to schedule an appointment!


Convenient Summit County location
in Frisco, CO across from Whole Foods


Medical and Emergency Eye Care

Our Optometrists and staff of eye health professionals are equipped to provide you with medical and emergency eye care.  

Emergency Care
Dr. Ward and Dr Philpy regularly diagnose and treat eye injuries, infections, inflammations, burning, redness, pain, sensitivity, pink eye and remove foreign bodies from the eye.

Medical Care
Our doctors can treat, prescribe medication for and manage many different eye diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.

Diagnosis and Referral
For eye conditions like cataracts, retinal tears and retinal detachments that may require surgical or specialized care, our Optometrists provide initial diagnosis as well as referral, co-management and follow-up care in coordination with an Ophthalmologist.


For Emergency and Medical Eye Care, Please Call Our Office


Convenient Summit County location
in Frisco, Colorado, across from Whole Foods



Eye problems can permanently damage your eye sight if not diagnosed and treated early.

Many eye problems like glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy don't have obvious symptoms in their early stages. Changes in vision are often so gradual that you unconsciously adjust to your sight without realizing your vision has changed.  You may think you are seeing as well as you were a year ago and don’t have problems, but you can't be sure until you've had your eyes thoroughly examined. 


Don't take your vision for granted!
For Emergency and Medical Eye Care, Please Call Our Office


Convenient Summit County location
in Frisco, Colorado, across from Whole Foods